Portfolio Category: Category 3

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Albuquerque Ride currently has 24 Rapid Ride New Flyer DE60LF disesel-electric hybrid buses in its inventory: six 2009 Cummins - Allison, twelve 2004 Caterpillar - Alliso, and six 2006 Caterpillar - Allison. They all feature signal-priority system. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABQ_RIDE updated as of 13 May 2016, at 14:47. Albuquerque Ride claims "Rapid Ride has changed the…
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  Albuquerque hopes to get new buses -- the bus rapid transit buses -- A.R.T. They are basically the same as the existing rapid ride buses. Everything would be run by the same group -- the Albuquerque Transit Authority at Alvarado Station.  
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